Thursday, 14 March 2013


When our good friends Jess (Edesia London) and Ben invited us to the Feast food festival last week, I have to say our reactions were somewhat sceptical. A food festival usually comprises of creative ways to eat meat (in my mind at least), which meant that our combined vegetarian/wheat free diets might be treated with suspicion. To add to this, Feast is held in Tobacco Dock, i.e. outside. Have you been outside lately?! No, you have not, because it is SO freaking COLD. Of course, on my way to meet everyone I realised I had left my gloves, scarf and proper camera at work. Great. 

Could the promise be delivered?

For all the negativity, we were looking forward to a drink, oh, I mean, having a drink with some good friends that we don't get to see often enough (did I save that?) Upon meeting at Shadwell station, Laura and I immediately clocked the throngs of middle class couples and groups heading down the street. Not even bothering to check googlemaps, we followed them to Tabacco Dock. 

A wise choice of venue for March?

The first person we encountered was a VERY happy security guard, busting some little moves...good start Feast, we thought, good start.

On to the bar. On the way we found Jess and Ben, and used our full lung capacities taking in all the delicious  aromas...this, we thought, might not be so bad.

Bring on the food

Drinks in hands and bums on seats we formed a plan to take turns in foraging. We did quite well. A steady stream of wonderful food followed, and the cold was (almost) forgotten.

No, really - food please

As well as good food, Feast provided live music, which very nearly resulted in some moves being busted by Jess and Laura, nearly (next time?) and did provide the backdrop for some serious spectacles envy.

Aiding in the seeing of what I was eating

Here is a list of what we ate and drank. I wonder if you can guess who ate what?

Corn bread with guacamole and some amazing spicy substance; ribs (were they lamb or pork?); posh fish and chips, complete with actual, real curry sauce; fondue sandwich, yes you read  that correctly; pizza; rabbit; chocolate, coconut and pistachio flavoured cream filled meringues topped with chocolate, caramel, nuts, ginger and rhubarb; macarons; red wine; gin; ale.

I think they were good

Just out of shot: Laura passed
out with happiness

As Laura and I bade found farewells to Jess and Ben (with promises of rose ice cream from Jess) and made our way through south London back to Bird on a Wire towers we reflected that food is good. Good food is good; great food with great friends (and wine) is better. 

Happy Feasters

The next day we found out we missed out on glow in the dark ping pong. Gutted.

How did we miss this?!

Much love,

Liz xXx and Laura X

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