Thursday, 10 January 2013

We (try to) party like it's 1999

Guess the songs....

It's official. We are getting old. "Where is the evidence?" I hear you cry, "would this statement stand up in a court of law?!" Well. At our NYE party no-one vommed in a corner (or anywhere else), no-one smashed anything and no-one had sex in our bathroom (at least we don't think they did). Yep. Told you. OLD.

Bring on 2013

Instead, everyone made a fantastic effort with our 'Come As A Song' theme, appreciated all the effort we went to providing games and food (well, Laura made food. I ate food. Thanks Laura!) and rang in the New Year courtesy of Rod Stewart.

State that Song

This got me thinking. As we are staring down the barrel of the dreaded three-o, has the time come to start being *whispers* grown up? Some may say that this process has begun, after all we:

  • Have jobs
  • Pay bills
  • Drink booze
  • Live far away from 'home'

But that feeling of control that is promised with the package of adulthood is still elusive. Back home, old school friends are married. Have babies. Have MORTGAGES. Does the lack of achievement of these milestones some how imply our relative immaturity and irresponsibility? After giving this a few seconds thought, I decided that the answer is..... Nah. 

Over the last year we have started to create lives for ourselves that truly reflect who we are and what we are passionate about. This journey affects every aspect of our lives from interior design to careers and relationships. And the journey is not short, nor should it be - the journey, and the mistakes we make are all part of the fun. 

We have achieved a happy equilibrium in which we are old and responsible enough to pay rent and bills, start to forge out careers and recycle. However, we also have the freedom to decide that we want to have glass robots and heart lamps in our living room, not get dressed all day and not come home at night. Which is ACE.

Our new flatmates

So, although our parties may be slightly tamer and our goals may differ to those of our old friends, we still have our life long road trip to figure out. Which is exciting. One thing is for sure: we will figure it out (or muddle through) in FABULOUS shoes. And who wants to party likes it's 1999 anyway? Get with the programme baby, it's 2013 and it's waiting to be explored.

Liz xXx

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